Lynette Clarke and her friend of forty years, Robyn, who live in Sydney NSW, are the go-getters behind this ministry.
Forty years is a lifelong friendship. And they have much in common. Which explains why their friendship has lasted so long.
They both have four grown up children, both love sewing and craft, do patchwork together, have lunch once a week and are very involved with their respective churches and various ministry groups.
Robyn felt there were lots of busy women out there who needed time just to be blessed. Robyn collects teapots and imagined the ministry around a good pot of tea. Hence Teapot Ministries.
You already want to sit down with them and have a good chat, don’t you?!
Today there are 6 core members who organise events, as everyone holds down a job, and it helps share the load. Their events are limited to a maximum of 35 women because that’s all they can handle at one time.
Twice a year the Ministry rents a minibus and they visit fabric shops, craft stores, etc in the greater Sydney area, stocking up on materials for their patchwork and quilting projects.
And they also organise a small quilt show to raise money for a project close to their heart, the Bolivian Children’s Mission, which is run by a dedicated couple who provide shelter and support for abandoned children in Bolivia.
Four years ago they spread their wings and now also organise a once a year, week-end away, quilting retreat. Which is what all retreats should be. A chock-a-block full of fun, laughing, eating and learning about patchwork and quilting experience.
And as with all givers, they can’t stop there.
Last year one of their original members died after a long battle with cancer.
And Teapot Ministries does what comes naturally to giving people.
They established a memorial fund in their friend’s honour. And use her memorial fund to raise money to sponsor a special someone who can't afford to pay the cost of accommodation and transport to the retreat.
They look at it this way.
There's nothing worse than an empty chair left by a dearly departed friend. With their sponsorship, their friend's 'place' at the retreat is always occupied and her memory is kept alive.
Big hearts always get bigger.
Teapot Ministries has been a member of Circle Of Friends since July 2007. And I’m so proud to be associated with such loving, giving women with big hearts.
And if you're a member of Teapot Ministries, you can now order online. Just enter the code Teapot Ministries into the Customer Comments section of the online order form for the Shopping Cart. Your donation will find its way to the keepers of the money at the Ministry.
You can order at any time that’s convenient for you. There’s no time limit.
If your group isn't already a member, I’d really love to welcome you into the Circle so you can experience the joy of what goes around comes around for yourself.
All the details about Circle Of Friends are contained in my original post What Goes Around Comes Around. It's at the beginning of my posts.
Take care,

Carol Jones

Interface Pty Ltd
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Carol Jones and Victor Pleshev
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