Those words of wisdom above are as old as time. And you and I have heard them all our life.
It’s a simple message. What you do today will either come back and bite you on the bum, or envelope you in an embrace of pure joy, at some time in your future.
Do you remember those times someone did something for you that was right out of the blue? How did you feel?
I bet surprised. And maybe you didn’t show it, but you felt an inner glow. Didn’t you? It made you feel special!
And I also suspect it made you want to do something for them in return.
But sometimes it’s not possible to pay that person back.
Like my saviour Bill.
One chilly April night in 2002, my partner, Victor Pleshev, and I were on our way back to Ilford from a long day exhibiting at the Bathurst Royal Show.
Our car loses power and stops. Victor and I are stranded at the side of the road.
It’s almost midnight. And there’s no mobile phone coverage on this stretch of rural road.
But a car soon stops. The driver promises to ring the NRMA from his home, in nearby Wattle Flat.
Ten minutes later, a car comes from the opposite direction, slows down, makes a U-turn and stops behind us. The driver gets out, opens a thermos and pours steaming hot coffee into 3 cups. And passes two of them to us.
It’s the driver who rang for help. He’s come back to keep us company while we wait for the NRMA.
His name is Bill.
The NRMA works a miracle by fixing our alternator and gets us going.
Bill stays with us the entire time, until 2am.
We talk about what he did for us all the way home. And many times since. He’s a very special person and we’ll remember him forever.
Payback Is Not Always Revenge
Payback is giving back to society what’s been given to you. Both good and evil.
You can, in a positive way, pay back the ‘Bill’s’ in your life with either your time or your money.
You can volunteer your time, but like many people, you might be time poor.
With your hard earned dollars you can buy raffle tickets, chocolates, Krispy Kreme Donuts or other fundraising products that, perhaps, you don’t want.
Or you can consider Circle of Friends and choose who you give to, at a time that’s right for you.
It makes ‘what goes around comes around’ a part of your rhythm of life.
You Don't Need To Dig Deep For Something You Don't Want Or Can't Use
Members of Circle Of Friends, who are just like you, use the simple design solutions of our product range to raise much needed funds for their club, favourite charity or other worthy cause.
How much?
More than $1,000,000 so far.
Our product range has something that appeals to almost everyone.

The Fitz Like A Glove™ Ironing Board Cover
100,000 men and women around the world swear by this cover because it never wrinkles, moves or rides up. It's always smooth and always, always, 'Fitz Like A Glove™'.
The simple to use crisscross tension cord is like Botox for ironing board covers. You simply crisscross the cord over 4 hooks. No tying. No drawstrings. It's wrinkle free, crease free ironing from this day forward.
It's guaranteed for much more than warranty on workmanship.
We guarantee the cotton drill fabric won't wear out in your first twelve months of use. We guarantee the tension cord will keep your cover fitting like a glove until the cover dies a natural death in a few years time. We guarantee all the colours to be fully colourfast. And we guarantee you'll love it. Or send it back for a full refund, including postage.
If you’d rather clean public toilets than iron, I have strong proof that this cover will change your attitude.
Peter Sampson emailed me with his comment above. But once he ironed on his Fitz Like A Glove™ Ironing Board Cover, this is what he had to say. “…If anything can make ironing bliss, your cover does. We all want to transform the world. In a small way, you have. Thanks for that.”

The ultimate bag to take travelling or hang in your loft apartment. You have a choice of rich tapestry or richly textured cotton.
It's easy to fill because the neck always stays open when filling it with clothes. Plus it's so easy to carry when fully loaded because the hanging cord converts into a carrying handle. How easy is that? And the complete instructions are simple to follow.
Plus it's carefully cut for a slight taper and a perfect match between collar and body, the fabric edges are individually overlocked, even though they aren't visible.
All the seams are additionally top stitched for ultimate strength and for that absolutely perfect finish.
And don't worry about the weight. The woven support cords that hold the brass rings and wooden toggles are triple stitched to the bag and have been tested to 80kg breaking strain.
It’s one of a kind.

Travelling on the Ghan? Keep your shoes separate from your best outfit. This bag with 2 pockets and a fold down flap holds a large pair of shoes or two small pairs.
Now I know you’re going to tell me that you use a towel, or your undies, or a plastic bag for your shoes. How gauche! That’s like walking into the plush Park Hyatt Hotel at the Rocks in Sydney, carrying your clothes in a plastic bag, and expecting the Concierge to take you seriously.
If you’re really serious about keeping your clothes separate from your shoes, follow the advice of Susan Kurosawa, Travel Editor for The Australian. Don’t pack your luggage without one. Or a pair if you have a travelling partner. When you visit our website, read what Rob Ingram, one of Australia’s most esteemed journalists, has to say about his pair.

Covers you from neck to below the knee and around the hips as well. The deeply luxurious navy cotton drill washes like a dream and drapes around you like it was made just for you.
Cooking and cleaning, gardening, your workshop, cellar door, your print shop, deli, cafe, unpacking stock in your warehouse, all cause stains plus wear and tear on your clothes. You start to wear aprons once you realise how well they protect your clothes from everything. And why not wear one that's big enough to cover all of you?
It will become a favourite. Indulge yourself or someone you know who deserves one.

It’s a strange phenomenon, but Log Luggers aren’t bought by men……in the first instance.
You would think that in today’s world of murky divisions of labour, firewood would neatly fall on the male side of things. And it does.
But the male ego is such, that any aid for carrying firewood is frowned upon by most men. They think that if you don’t bring the wood in by the armfuls, with woodchips all over your clothes, bang into doors and walls as you go and ruin a few woolly jumpers, you’re not doing a good job.
It’s the girls who see the sense of a Log Lugger. They’re the ones who buy them for the men in their lives. They ignore the bloke’s usual response of “what do I want that for?” and just get one, because they know what’s good for their men.
Once their men use them, and see how well it works, an interesting thing happens. They start making lists of all their hairy-chested mates who need one too and before long they're our biggest devotee.

The ONLY brush that removes pet hair easily, quickly and completely from carpets, furniture, upholstery and clothes. It’s a must have. It really does work!!
This is the only product that’s not our design. But its design is so simple and so effective, and works so well, we’d be remiss in not offering it to you.
The brush has a brass head with tiny, precision angled brass teeth which scour through textured materials and snag hair and fur without harming the surface. It's all in the angle of the 'bristles'. You'll be amazed at how they comb out any animal hair from the fine and silkiest, to the course and spikiest.
The Brass Bristle Brush is tested and recommended by Daisy Mae, our Collie, who can swear that it whisks her hair right off everything. Carpet, furniture, curtains, clothes, even the car (which she uses quite often), are all squeaky clean in no time.
Everyone who has one loves it.
All the products above can be viewed in more detail at our product website www.interfaceaustralia.com.
Every purchase is guaranteed to please you.
Have you ever purchased something you didn't like and been told there's no refund if there's nothing wrong with it? I have. That's why we give you a 100% love it or send it back guarantee. I don't expect you to keep something you don't want or don't like. And the refund is for your full purchase price, including postage.
Our guarantees go much deeper than the normal warranty against workmanship. Those guarantees don't cover wear and tear. A product should last a minimum of 12 months. And that's what we do. Guarantee against wear and tear for 12 months. Almost all products are colourfast and washable. Except the Log Lugger. That's not washable.
So there's no risk on your part when you purchase from Circle Of Friends.
I Invite You To Become A Member of Circle of Friends
Circle of Friends is based on the wisdom that what goes around comes around. When you offer help to someone, you not only become their friend, but your goodwill comes back to you in unexpected ways.
To become a member of Circle Of Friends, all you need to do is register your organisation as a member. Once you register, it’s up to you to promote Circle of Friends within your organisation to reap the benefit of donations.
Who can register?
Our criteria is this. Your group must be a not-for-profit entity with its own not-for-profit bank account. I expect the funds you raise to be used for not-for-profit activities. Such as an improvement to your club house, for a community project or if you’re a school, a school activity not funded by the government.
For instance, you could be a day care centre run for profit, or Westpac, Qantas, or any other business run for profit, but if you have a fundraising activity that has its own not-for-profit bank account, you qualify.
Aside from that, size doesn't matter. Small or large, your group needs things. And you need the funds to buy them. Up until now your normal way to raise funds is through traditional fundraising products and techniques. Which calls for door to door selling and pre-purchase of products.
But there’s no door to door selling. Or pre-purchase of products.
It’s simply the purchase of any of our products by members of your group for themselves, their family and friends, either by mail order or online.
At any time that's convenient to them. Because there's no time limit.
And once your members start talking to each other about the unexpected surprise of how good these products actually are, word of mouth starts kicking in and your members start promoting these products to each other, their family and their friends.
We do everything else, including despatching of product.
We publish a bi-monthly Circle Of Friends Newsletter which is specific to your group.
It’s laminated so it doesn’t show wear and tear and always looks perfect. Pin it up in a prominent place for everyone to see.
We also give you colour brochures, with the code of your organisation included, for your members to use to place orders.
Or to order online, they simply use the code in the Comments section of the online order form.
It’s that easy and that simple.
There’s no time limit, no product to pre-purchase, no minimum orders, no fine print.
These are superb quality products made with love and care in the Central Tablelands of NSW by men and women who have a disability.
Walgett Police Command is a big supporter of Circle of Friends. And both Jill Granger and Julie Marshall at Walgett Police Command can tell you first hand that these simple design solutions make every product a joy to use.
For every purchase you make, we donate 20% of your order value, excluding p&h, to your favourite worthy cause.
It’s that easy and that simple.
There’s no time limit, no product to pre-purchase, no minimum orders, no fine print.
These are superb quality products made with love and care in the Central Tablelands of NSW by men and women who have a disability.
Walgett Police Command is a big supporter of Circle of Friends. And both Jill Granger and Julie Marshall at Walgett Police Command can tell you first hand that these simple design solutions make every product a joy to use.
For every purchase you make, we donate 20% of your order value, excluding p&h, to your favourite worthy cause.
It can be your day care centre, your little league football club, your garden club, quilters' group, choral society, student band or theatre group, social club or your school's student council or interact group. Or you may have a favourite charity your group raises funds for. It's your choice.
When we make this donation, it's made in your name, not ours.
And the cheque is sent to you as soon as we receive an order. You don’t wait for it to accumulate to a certain amount.
The average donation is $8, but it mounts up.
Within 12 months, The Quilters’ Guild of NSW’s donation tab reached the stage where the Community Quilts and Blankets of Love groups went shopping to buy materials to set up a much needed storeroom for the quilts they make and give away to people in need.
I’d like you to have a really good look at our product range.
Online at www.interfaceaustralia.com.
Or offline by sending you a brochure.
That’s the only way you’ll know if Circle of Friends is for you. I believe you and the members of your organisation will find something that’s just right for you and your family. And that perfect gift for a special friend.
How do you register to become a member of Circle Of Friends?
By telephone. That’s my preferred way. It’s always nice to have a personal discussion about what’s important to you.
I do understand that you're possibly time poor and may prefer to get in touch by email at a time that's convenient to you, so simply use the online email form below. And I'd love it if you included your first and last name, the name of your organisation, a contact telephone number for you and a little something about you and your organisation. And I'll get back in touch very quickly.
You’ve registered. What’s next?
As soon as you register, I send you a Circle Of Friends Newsletter specific to your organisation, to display in a prominent place, as well as brochures to keep on hand for your members.
If your organisation is large and diverse, such as a bowling club, I strongly recommend you publish the link to Circle Of Friends, along with your code for ordering online, in your club’s newsletter, and encourage your diverse and loyal members to visit Circle Of Friends as often as possible.
Once they understand and appreciate the purpose of Circle Of Friends, they can go directly to our website at www.interfaceaustralia.com and place an order any time at their convenience. The link to our website is on Circle Of Friends in quite a few places.
The more you promote Circle Of Friends within your group, the more orders we receive and the more donations we make to your group. It’s as simple as that.
This isn’t a concept to be kept hidden. It’s a concept to embrace and discuss and publicise and offer to your members as often as possible.
Circle Of Friends is different to all other types of fundraising because choice is given to you and your members. Plus convenience. And there’s no manipulation of you or your members to buy something you can’t use or don’t want.
I’m experienced in marketing and I've learned a great deal about what works since I established my first business in 1983. Believe me when I say that repetition is essential to your success. The more Circle Of Friends is talked about within your group, the more familiar it becomes to you and your members. And the more readily you will turn to it as a source of gifts for your family and friends.
It’s also up to me to provide you with as much new information as possible to keep the concept alive and thriving.
Between the two of us, we should be able to dance the tango of giving to perfection.
Questions? Ring me, Carol Jones, ANYTIME!
I’m registered and I want to place an order. What do I do?
If you want to view the Circle Of Friends product range first, click on the link below. It takes you to the home page, and you can get to anywhere else, including the shopping cart, from there.
If your organisation is registered and you want to place an order, click on the link below, which takes you straight to the shopping cart.
You need to do 2 things.
First, put into the Customer Comments section the code for your organisation.
Second, for the donation cheque, the name of your fundraising account. For instance, for members of the Ilford/Running Stream CWA, their cheque is made out to Ilford/Running Stream.
A different example is Walgett Police Command, which allows their members to choose their own charity. The cheque could be for Walgett Meals on Wheels or Walgett Little League. So under Customer Comments, I would see Walgett Police Command for Walgett Little League.
Providing instructions is always difficult, as we all interpret information in a different manner, so I hope I’ve made the above easy for you to understand. If I haven’t, please let me know your questions by ringing me on 02 63 58 85 11 and I’ll make sure I answer them to your satisfaction.
Click here for the Shopping Cart
We have over 100,000 customers worldwide who find all these products a joy to use. Some of them live where you live. So I just know you will too.
And I’d really love to welcome you into the Circle so you can experience the joy of what goes around comes around for yourself. Remember my saviour Bill, who stayed with us until the wee hours of the morning? We all need more Bill's in our life. This is a great opportunity for you to become a Bill to someone else.
When we make this donation, it's made in your name, not ours.
And the cheque is sent to you as soon as we receive an order. You don’t wait for it to accumulate to a certain amount.
The average donation is $8, but it mounts up.
Within 12 months, The Quilters’ Guild of NSW’s donation tab reached the stage where the Community Quilts and Blankets of Love groups went shopping to buy materials to set up a much needed storeroom for the quilts they make and give away to people in need.
I’d like you to have a really good look at our product range.
Online at www.interfaceaustralia.com.
Or offline by sending you a brochure.
That’s the only way you’ll know if Circle of Friends is for you. I believe you and the members of your organisation will find something that’s just right for you and your family. And that perfect gift for a special friend.
How do you register to become a member of Circle Of Friends?
By telephone. That’s my preferred way. It’s always nice to have a personal discussion about what’s important to you.
I do understand that you're possibly time poor and may prefer to get in touch by email at a time that's convenient to you, so simply use the online email form below. And I'd love it if you included your first and last name, the name of your organisation, a contact telephone number for you and a little something about you and your organisation. And I'll get back in touch very quickly.
You’ve registered. What’s next?
As soon as you register, I send you a Circle Of Friends Newsletter specific to your organisation, to display in a prominent place, as well as brochures to keep on hand for your members.
If your organisation is large and diverse, such as a bowling club, I strongly recommend you publish the link to Circle Of Friends, along with your code for ordering online, in your club’s newsletter, and encourage your diverse and loyal members to visit Circle Of Friends as often as possible.
Once they understand and appreciate the purpose of Circle Of Friends, they can go directly to our website at www.interfaceaustralia.com and place an order any time at their convenience. The link to our website is on Circle Of Friends in quite a few places.
The more you promote Circle Of Friends within your group, the more orders we receive and the more donations we make to your group. It’s as simple as that.
This isn’t a concept to be kept hidden. It’s a concept to embrace and discuss and publicise and offer to your members as often as possible.
Circle Of Friends is different to all other types of fundraising because choice is given to you and your members. Plus convenience. And there’s no manipulation of you or your members to buy something you can’t use or don’t want.
I’m experienced in marketing and I've learned a great deal about what works since I established my first business in 1983. Believe me when I say that repetition is essential to your success. The more Circle Of Friends is talked about within your group, the more familiar it becomes to you and your members. And the more readily you will turn to it as a source of gifts for your family and friends.
It’s also up to me to provide you with as much new information as possible to keep the concept alive and thriving.
Between the two of us, we should be able to dance the tango of giving to perfection.
Questions? Ring me, Carol Jones, ANYTIME!
I’m registered and I want to place an order. What do I do?
If you want to view the Circle Of Friends product range first, click on the link below. It takes you to the home page, and you can get to anywhere else, including the shopping cart, from there.
If your organisation is registered and you want to place an order, click on the link below, which takes you straight to the shopping cart.
You need to do 2 things.
First, put into the Customer Comments section the code for your organisation.
Second, for the donation cheque, the name of your fundraising account. For instance, for members of the Ilford/Running Stream CWA, their cheque is made out to Ilford/Running Stream.
A different example is Walgett Police Command, which allows their members to choose their own charity. The cheque could be for Walgett Meals on Wheels or Walgett Little League. So under Customer Comments, I would see Walgett Police Command for Walgett Little League.
Providing instructions is always difficult, as we all interpret information in a different manner, so I hope I’ve made the above easy for you to understand. If I haven’t, please let me know your questions by ringing me on 02 63 58 85 11 and I’ll make sure I answer them to your satisfaction.
Click here for the Shopping Cart
We have over 100,000 customers worldwide who find all these products a joy to use. Some of them live where you live. So I just know you will too.
And I’d really love to welcome you into the Circle so you can experience the joy of what goes around comes around for yourself. Remember my saviour Bill, who stayed with us until the wee hours of the morning? We all need more Bill's in our life. This is a great opportunity for you to become a Bill to someone else.
Take care,

Carol Jones

Interface Pty Ltd
6026 Sofala Road Ilford NSW 2850
PO Box 139 Kandos NSW 2848
Tel: 02 63 58 85 11 Fax: 02 63 58 85 10
Website: www.interfaceaustralia.com
Email: See the online email form below
This is where we live and work.
This is who we are.
Carol Jones and Victor Pleshev
Designers and Makers in rural NSW
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